Submitted by jpeeters on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 18:21
Repository of stories, techniques, scripts and documents related to Oracle databases (versions 7 - 11)
- Oracle sequences.
- Oracle tuning.
- Oracle scripts & queries.
- Oracle shared server tuning.
- Guaranteed flashback.
- AWR repository settings.
- Retrieving the unused materialized views.
- Owner rights or definer rights.
- ORA-01187: cannot read from file 201 because it failed verification tests.
- Locking or unlocking table statistics.
- ora-39213:metadata processing is not available.
- Changing the Oracle installion group on unix.
- Controlfile transactions.
- Resizing oracle vm fs.
- Installiing Oracle VM manager.
- Setting up dom0 as a nfs server.
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